Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ahhh... Christmas Cards. Photo.. All Done...

I am finishing ... almost done actually.. have to round up a few addresses I have misplaced.. but other than that.. we took a photo today that I liked of the girls.. went to Wolf Camera.. had 100 or so copied.. I had addressed the envelopes over a week ago and signed in our name.. yahdah yadah... But I am sooo glad this is almost behind me..

I really like the photo too.. I want a *gasp* when people open our Christmas card.. so not any old pose will do here.. has to be a good one.. and as they get older their smiles get "rehearsed".. and all of it.. don't get me wrong.. I think they are some of the cutest little girls I know.. but you get my drift about this.

All right.. bunches to do tonight.

Big Things this Week:

1. I need to come up with an angel costume by Wed.
2. Tuesday night Madison officially becomes a "Daisy/Girl Scout"
3. Thursday is my last day of the semester with my students
4. Thursday is also Madison's "Walk Through Bethlehem" event in her classroom.. actually all three "K" classes are staging various elements of the story of Christ's birth.. and all the visitors "Walk Through". songs.. lines.. a bit of acting and some narration from the teachers.. I hear it is a very good production.
5. Shipping all orders by Friday if it kills me... (me and my very nice and very tired manufacture)

Later Amigos.

1 comment:

thelovelist said...

Hey there! Got the labels today - they are perfect! Hope everything works out with your upcoming hectic Thursday - I remember being a Daisy Scout, I stuck with it all the way through Junior. I wanted to ask you if you had time to do a quick interview with me, I have to write a final paper on entrepreneurial ventures and preppy potato came to mind! It is only 15 questions and I can even do it over an instant message if you'd like. Leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail if you'd be willing to help me out! Thanks!!