Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Speed demon

Are you one of those..you know..pedal to the metal kind of gal..always in a rush..no time for turn signals ..or the 3 second count at a stop light.

True confessions: I am half a speed demon..I can drive fast..and have been known to "step on it"... I do however..obey other "suggested rules" when it comes to driving..like turn signals and all..

One more confession: My car is a total bomb shell..mind you..I am a taxi...carting two children here there and everywhere..my car is also my classroom so to speak..with books and papers..and I carry a good amount of other non essential items..like my children's art work from school that hasn't quite made it to the house yet..

All in all..a dirty demon to boot.

I need to start one of those "Clean sweep shows for the car" thing...

1 comment:

SLC said...

I can definitely relate to the bomb shell vehicle! I have two children (4 & 2) and drive them to preschool everyday then on to work (1 1/2 hour commute each way). I told hubby last night that my "car" (Tahoe) is my 2nd home. He took it to work today to change the oil before he takes it on a weekend fishing trip and I'm already going through withdrawals. We had to move so much stuff from it to his car just for my daily activities and it STILL needs to be cleaned of the kids' artwork, snack bags, the occasional lost sippy cup (ugh!), etc. Anyway, I would LOVE to watch a "cleansweep show for the car". ;-) (found you by way of Suburban Cupcake (& Preppy Cafe))

p.s. - oh, and here in Northern Virginia, it's called "defensive driving" (people drive like renegades around here).