Sunday, April 02, 2006

On a Roll. My kids are watching TV

So this is hillarious. In a lonely way. Nobody knows I am "out on blogger world" yet. So I have to say this is totally cracking me up..that I figured this out. Now I am no dummy. I understand how to use the computer..but my vast skills of following this latest "how to" made easy by the great minds of is just plain funny to me.

I need to figure out the "photo thing"..and the cute "link to me thing"..and all that. But as I see it..I need an audience. My next step is to email everyone I know and tell them I am here. haha.

When I do post know this about me. Let's be honest here. I am a teacher who makes a ton of typos. I just needed to come clean with you all. I suck at spelling. Number two: I lead a very glamorous and busy life. Because all of us fashion movers and shakers have free time to blog. And thirdly: My kids watch TV. Not all when I need to work. and I consider this now.."My life's work". This blog. And fourthly: I am extremely sarcastic..and sometimes really amuse myself with my thoughts. If I write something that sounds "off" is just because I am slightly "off" myself. Fifth and final: Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Nice comments foul language. No rudeness. No not from anyone.

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