Saturday, September 20, 2008

john mccane

get it. mc-cane. haha. i think that is a good one.


Lipstick said...

Do you know what happened to Preppy Potato? The site says "we have decided to close shop." I am sad!

Lipstick said...

Do you know what happened to Preppy Potato? The site says "we have decided to close shop." I am sad!

Eat, Drink, & Sleep Preppy! said...

I can only pray and hope that when I am his age I'm as healthy as he is. Hiking the Grand Cannon.... Campaining all over the world! I guess we can't use the excuse anymore even at 30 that we are TOO OLD can we?

PreppyBelts said...


I have a line of preppy products you might like,



The Chic Chauffeur said...

Hi Jennifer! Just checking in! I'm your belt stalker.

Courtney said...

Hi. I was said to hear you closed your shop. I had a question for you.... I remember seeing a portrait of your girls that was done from an artist on Etsy. The girls were wearing their navy monogrammed dresses in the picture. Could you tell me who did the picture?
Thank you.

Midnight Madras said...

Girl...where have you been!!!!?? I know we teachers are busy but I miss your posts! Come back!